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“No, El, you're not the monster. You saved me. Do you understand? You saved me.” 


“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”






"There is a need in Stranger Things season two to be saved, somehow, by something bigger than ourselves." (Moran)

One of the main themes in Stranger Things is the same as one of the main themes in the Bible---humanity's need for salvation. Both the show and the religious text stress how we cannot live life on our own but need to hope in something greater. In the Bible, it is Jesus who will save us from sin and hell; in Stranger Things, it is Eleven who saves Hawkins, Indiana from all evil lurking in the Upside Down. Moloney writes about the Bible in The Australasian Catholic Record "This unforgettable story... captures our agenda for hope in a secularized world... We do not walk alone. Jesus of Nazareth is with us. Even in our failures, he leads us home." This story is mirrored in the show, and Jesus is mirrored in the lovable character of Eleven.



In order to save mankind from death, Jesus has to lay down his own life. Only through that sacrifice can the world, those who Jesus loves, be saved. Christians believe that without this sacrifice, we would all be living life hell-bound. But because of grace, although we don't always do what is right, we have forgiveness and can go to heaven. In the season 1 finale, Eleven kills the monster so the boys and everyone in the area won’t die. She (seemingly) dies to keep the boys from experiencing the trauma and pain of the upside down; she goes there herself. Although the boys have not all been kind to her all the time, she loves them and forgives them and therefore sacrifices herself. In the beginning of season 2, it is revealed that Eleven did not truly die, representing Jesus's resurrection.


Jesus's most amazing display of his power comes when he was on the cross, being crucified for the sins of the world. Here he bled for all of mankind. Ephesians 1:7 says “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” It is through the blood of Jesus that we are saved. When Eleven uses her powers, she bleeds from her nose and ears. The more power she uses, the more blood she loses. Because Eleven shed her blood in using her power, she is able to accomplish what she sets out to do, whether that is making someone pee their pants, getting rid of "the bad men", or saving the lives of her friends.


The word "El" is a word that means God in Hebrew; one of the original languages the Bible was written in. Eleven, the protagonist in Stranger Things is called El by those closest to her. Christians believe that God exists in 3 ways; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Therefore Jesus, the Son, is God by another name.


In the Bible, in Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus is in the wilderness when Satan tempts Jesus to go against what he knows is right and use his supernatural abilities for wrong. Jesus, however, resists this and calls upon his knowledge of scripture to aid his refusal. In Stranger Things, Eleven, when she is in captivity, is tempted to use her powers to kill a cat. Eleven believes this is wrong, and does not do it. Both Eleven and Jesus wish to use their supernatural powers to only do what they believe is right.


Jesus had disciples who were his closest companions. These disciples came from a low status and some were people that were hated and looked down upon, such as Matthew the tax collector. Eleven's closest friends are also of low status. They are the kids who go to school and are bullied and looked down upon. However this doesn't phase Eleven, and Jesus made it a point to love those who were thought to be unlovable.


Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary. An angel came to her and told her that she was pregnant and that her son would be the savior of the world. This origin is not exactly clear cut and straight forward; it can be difficult to understand and can seem mysterious.  Nickell in his book Relics of the Christ describes Jesus as a "boy of wonder." Eleven's origin is also mysterious. She was taken from her mother, who had been experimented on to make her lose her mind, at birth and her mother was told she had a miscarriage. The questions of why, how, and who are explored throughout the show as Eleven tries to reconnect with her estranged mother. 


Jesus in his life, did a lot of things that seemed very crazy at the time. We look back at the Bible now and can see that everything he did was because of his love for people and his desire for them to be able to fulfilled by God's presence in their lives. For example, he flipped tables in a temple, he interacted with people who had leprosy, and he healed people on Sundays. Eleven is seen as crazy too. One of the most well-known quotes from the show is by Dustin when he says "She's our friend and she's crazy!" after she saves Mike's life. She does this out of her love for people as well.


Jesus came to earth so he could understand human experiences. He no longer needed to say "I feel bad for you, that must be hard, I'll try to help," but rather "I know how hard that is because I went through it too and I am here to help you through it." Mabry writes in The Heythrop Journal "If the Son had not become incarnate then ‘he could not have had the knowledge of experience,’ for ‘in the assumed flesh he experienced our weakness.’" In the show, Mike says how Eleven always understands him and what he's going through, and this is because Eleven has experienced much of the same things herself. She can also see people who are in the Upside Down and she attempts to help, just as Jesus can see people who are stuck in sin and tries to save us from entrapment.

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